Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Something different: A review on Homewell's Humidifier

I received this product via influenster for testing.

First, I was shocked to be picked for something so appropriate for myself as I have allergies and was congested due to sinuses or the cold when the product arrived. It's huge. the box was the size of box you that if you were a kid for Christmas you knew there was either an unconstructed bike or huge doll house inside.

The product is also massive with two water holders. It was hard to find somewhere to place this in my apartment that wouldn't trip someone. I found a spot close by the bed, but unfortunately on carpet - thus far no leakage! I tried it the night I received it and sure enough all my sneezing & clogged nose the next morning was gone. Don't know whether it was just its time to stop effecting my body or this humidifier helped. Since then, I don't wake up with a dry throat and feel like my sleep is more pleasant!

I would love to have tried in this a drier climate, somehow I don't think Atlanta winters are as harsh on my skin compared to the North East

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